Pacifica, CA

Ok, I know I already posted something called "The rest of California" but that was a lie.  Here is the rest of my California trip- mostly just walks around the beach or a county park with my friend and her son who live in Pacifica. 

One day we ate lunch by the pier and watched Elegant Terns fishing...

Here I saw my first jaeger tearing through the terns and then disappearing...  No photos worth sharing.

We spent a couple hours at San Pedro Valley County Park, with a quick stop in the visitors center to look at the stuffed birds...

                     Olive-sided Flycatcher

Random selection of birds.  On my last afternoon in town we went for a walk from my friend's house down to the beach.  There's a little boardwalk area with a sign about the threatened California red-legged frog, many of which could be found directly below the sign. 

On the walk to the beach we kept hearing ravens and I was trying to think if I had ever seen a crow there.  That's when I saw a crow.  Chasing a raven.  Offering some of the best comparison views I've ever seen...

When we got to the beach I could see some kind of shorebirds in the distance and went to investigate.  They turned out to be those crazy California Surfbirds pretending to be sandpipers I had read about here.

 Elegant Terns were flying back and forth over the water...

A small group of gulls on the beach consisted of Westerns, Heermann's, and, of course, Californias...

On the walk back California Towhees were keeping post on some shrubs...

And now I am done posting about California.  The end.  Good times!


  1. Nice post on your California visit. The Terns are great, they are great birds. My favorite shot is the cute frog. I am glad you had a good time, happy birding!

  2. Trying to leave a comment not working great for 2 days! Love the raven, crow, pier, and frog! Only pillows should be stuffed~ Happy Hump Day


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