Eagle Creek, etc.

I had planned to do yet another year end wrap up type post, list all my favorite lifers and all that, but it seems kind of overwhelming so I'm skipping it.  2012 was pretty rad for me.  I'll leave it at that.

This morning I wanted to take the dogs on a little adventure so we headed east to Eagle Creek.  There was a little snow around and it was pretty damn scenic. 

(sometimes I pretend I know what the hell I'm doing with this camera)

The only bird I saw in the creek was a female Common Goldeneye...

Well, until I headed to the overlook, where there were a few Common Mergansers as well.  At the top of the overlook I started seeing more birds- a Red-breasted Sapsucker, some crows, and a Steller's Jay...

The crows were wading at the mouth of the creek and one even began taking a bath.  It was below freezing.  It was hard to watch.

Brr.  On the way home from Eagle Creek I stopped at Multnomah Falls for no reason other than the fact that so far Ralph has never been forced to pose in front of them.  So here:

Fact: if Multnomah Falls does not make you believe in the awesomeness of the northwest then you are dead inside. 

While I was trying to take the dogs' picture a very distracting Varied Thrush was hopping around nearby.  We were standing at the top of about five stone steps and the thrush hopped right up to the bottom of them and stared at us.  Freakin adorable.

That eye makeup looks fake!

Right when we arrived at the falls a train came to really set the scene:

Not a bad start to 2013!  In case you want some numbers, my 2012 year list was 335 (336 if that Lesser Black-backed Gull pans out), with 87 (maybe 88) lifers!  Pretty awesome for me.  Hope your new year's day was fantastic and bulging with birds!


  1. Definitely looks like a great start to the year! Nice job on the waterfall with the slow shutter speed! Your pups are adorable:) 335 is a very impressive year list; I think that is double mine:)

  2. Good grief Oregon is pretty.

    It's seemed like you have had a really rad year. More than twenty times I have read your posts with great envy, jealousy, and covetousness.

    Cheers on your 2012 Big Bins' Jen, and way to not do another 2012 bird-by-bird best of 20 round up kinda thing...internet is flooded right now.

    1. Oh wow, Big Bins' Jen is not a name I want to stick.

  3. Those turkeys make a great new header. That Varied Thrush is pretty adorable.

  4. Gorgeous waterfall! That's a lot of birds and a lot of lifers. Hope you have a great start to the new year!

  5. I love the Multnomah Falls and your dogs. Very pretty and scenic shots. The varied Thrush is a beauty, sorry I missed seeing it during my visit. Congrats on all your lifer, what a great year you had! Wishing you an even better 2013, Happy Birding!

  6. What on earth? Those bins are huge!!! What are the specs on those things? Have you found they enhance your birding and/or identification skills? Might be tough to maneuver in the spring with the warblers though. Just a thought...

  7. Big Bins Jen, lol it could get ugly...
    Impressed is the word with the year count and the 87 lifers! OMG Im so Jealous its on the top of my Bucket List to visit Oregon although I heard that word has been black balled, and to see Multnomah Falls. I barely did any waterfall hikes this yr due to my increase in work hours.. and decrease in MONEY...BLAH!
    Love the dogs shot and the Varied!


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